Hippo Video | Send Personalized Email Campaigns
loved by Sales Teams

Trusted by Over 5000+ Businesses Around the World

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Text Emails vs Video Emails

Why Send Personalized Video Campaigns?

Don’t end up relying on just open rates to close deals!

Poor open rates and CTR

Compels people to consume, click and act with videos!

Get more replies and responses
Send Personalized Videos

Increase Response
Rates by 300%

Can you believe that? It’s 300% and we bet you’ll get that by personalizing a single video with texts, logos, thumbnails and more to deliver a personalized experience to thousands of recipients.

Advanced Real-time Tracking

Track Your Campaigns
and Conversions

Track a single email or many at a time and see how your video emails are performing; click rates, open rates, watch rate, watch duration and more. Yes, we want you to have it all.

Get real-time alerts and notifications when people open, click, or play your video.
Track video engagement metrics and set follow up priority based on your prospect’s actual behavior.
Engage Leads Effectively

Increase Conversions
up to 80%

Get real-time notifications when people watch your video so you can reach them back on time. Focus on what matters by following up with prospects who are interested based on the video watch stats.

Send out video replies to the right prospect based on the video engagement metrics.
Integrates with Outlook, Gmail, Pardot, Zapier and more.

We Are Loved By Our Customers!

Our Customers Love Using Hippo Video

Personalized Video Making Software

Go ahead, increase response rates with video personalization